
Mönchengladbach Airport (MGL) ranks as one of the largest general aviation airports in Germany, with nearly 50,000 flight movements. Flight schools, maintenance companies, commercial operators, and private owners all benefit from a control zone with ILS approaches on both sides, ensuring safe, weather-independent flight operations. With a usable runway of 1.200 metres , MGL accommodates a variety of business aircraft, including larger turbo-prop aircraft such as the ATR 72 or Dash 8. For further details about the airport, please refer to the Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) on the website of the DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH (DFS), the German air navigation service provider.


Mönchengladbach Airport (MGL) provides a comprehensive range of services for pilots and general aviation passengers.

From ordering catering to booking a hotel, we assist you in fulfilling your needs. Details of our service include:

Hangar space rental

Hangar space rental

Looking for a hangar place?

Mönchengladbach Airport offers approximately 17,000 square metres of aircraft parking space in nine hangars. With further expansion plans, additional potential areas will be developed and made available in the future. Please contact us to enquire about availability for your aircraft.

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Looking for a place to park your aircraft?

Mönchengladbach Airport offers approximately 17,000 square metres of aircraft parking space in nine hangars. With further expansion plans, additional potential areas will be developed and made available in the future. Please contact us to enquire about availability for your aircraft.

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Pilot Information

Below are some links for your orientation. These are for guidance only and do not replace independent flight preparation. Please pay particular attention to following the recommended traffic patterns.

Northern Traffic Pattern 1200 ft (MSL)
Southern Traffic Pattern 1100 ft (MSL)

Reasons requiring a deviation from the recommended traffic pattern:

  • Necessary traffic control measures by air traffic controllers, as there is a high proportion of mixed traffic at MGL, e.g., to separate slower aircraft from faster ones.
  • Traffic control: Measures taken to ensure the safe, orderly and smooth flow of air traffic.
  • Variations in the performance or data of different aircraft, as not all aircraft operating at the aerodrome can follow the recommended traffic pattern, for example due to their design.
  • Pilot training and skill levels, and approved deviations for training purposes.
  • Weather and visibility conditions, which may affect horizontal and vertical traffic pattern guidance
  • Temperature and air density, which may have a significant effect on the climb or flight performance of aircraft in high summer temperatures.
  • Deviation requirements arising from the specific traffic situation and in general, e.g., due to the number of aircraft in the traffic pattern.

In a controlled airspace, (here: Class D airspace (control zone)), the traffic clearance given by the tower personnel always takes precedence for the various reasons mentioned above!


Note: Unless otherwise instructed by the aerodrome tower (TWR), this traffic pattern illustration is for guidance only!

Pilot Information

Below are some links for your orientation. These are for guidance only and do not replace independent flight preparation. Please pay particular attention to following the recommended traffic patterns.

Note: Unless otherwise instructed by the aerodrome tower (TWR), this traffic pattern illustration is for guidance only!

Northern Traffic Pattern 1200 ft (MSL)
Southern Traffic Pattern 1100 ft (MSL)

Reasons requiring a deviation from the recommended traffic pattern:

  • Necessary traffic control measures by air traffic controllers, as there is a high proportion of mixed traffic at MGL, e.g., to separate slower aircraft from faster ones.
  • Traffic control: Measures taken to ensure the safe, orderly and smooth flow of air traffic.
  • Variations in the performance or data of different aircraft, as not all aircraft operating at the aerodrome can follow the recommended traffic pattern, for example due to their design.
  • Pilot training and skill levels, and approved deviations for training purposes.
  • Weather and visibility conditions, which may affect horizontal and vertical traffic pattern guidance
  • Temperature and air density, which may have a significant effect on the climb or flight performance of aircraft in high summer temperatures.
  • Deviation requirements arising from the specific traffic situation and in general, e.g., due to the number of aircraft in the traffic pattern.

In a controlled airspace, (here: Class D airspace (control zone)), the traffic clearance given by the tower personnel always takes precedence for the various reasons mentioned above!


Safety & Security

Mönchengladbach Airport offers authorised persons the opportunity to acquire digital access to the security area. Detailed information can be found below under “Digital Key (RFID Transponder)

To allow independent access to sensitive areas of Mönchengladbach Airport (MGL), local aircraft owners, members of an owners’ association, and MGL contractual partners have the opportunity to acquire a digital key, known as an RFID transponder.

Further information and the application form are available here:

At MGL, the safety management departments of the airport collaborate closely with those of the air navigation service provider, DFS Aviation Services GmbH, abbreviated as DAS. This allows safety-related events to be promptly assessed and evaluated.

For MGL, the establishment of a Safety Management System (SMS) is mandatory due to the existing controlled zone with instrument flight traffic. Gisela Braun is responsible for this. Suggestions aimed at improving safety and addressing or ideally even preventing aviation hazards can be addressed directly to Gisela Braun or anonymously deposited in an “infobox” in the pilot briefing room.

As part of the SMS work, regular meetings of the Runway Safety Team are convened, ideally twice a year, where all companies, authorities, and flight schools involved at the airport can make proposals and submissions regarding safety-related issues and necessary measures. Existing processes and measures are also reviewed for their effectiveness and sustainability during these sessions. To oversee safety at MGL, an office of the Air Supervisory Authority of the District Government of Düsseldorf is established. Among other responsibilities, colleagues ensure strict adherence to the aforementioned rules.

The District Government of Düsseldorf is also responsible for ensuring security at MGL by monitoring compliance and implementation of the airport’s aviation security program through regular audits. This primarily concerns the clear separation and securing of the so-called airside from the landside of the airport and the efficient prevention of unauthorized access to the corresponding movement areas.

Thus, the aviation security program also influences the “house rules” (airport usage regulations) of MGL. These rules outline the fundamental behavioral guidelines regarding the use of the airport apron and permitted activities there. It represents the final link in a regulatory chain, starting with ICAO Annex 14, which contains essential overarching requirements to be observed in the planning, design, and operation of airports. The regulatory chain extends through further regulations of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) to the German Aviation Act and numerous downstream laws, regulations, principles, guidelines, and recommendations.

MGL attaches great importance to security issues. Currently, with the support of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, an effective, intelligent, and state-of-the-art camera system is being implemented. Mönchengladbach Airport is committed to ensuring that customers feel safe and comfortable.

Jürgen Roth

Chief Operating Officer

+49 2161 6898-24

Gisela Braun

Safety Management (SMS)

+49 2161 6898-644

Flight operations outside published operating hours (PPR)

Upon request (PPR), the aerodrome can also be opened for takeoffs and landings outside the daily operating hours published in the AIP. For this, you are required to pay a fee to the airport company. This fee is determined solely based on the length of the desired opening period from 6:00 to 8:00 local time or after normal operating hours from 20:30 to 22:00 local time.

For the aforementioned PPR periods, a fee of €280.00 net per aircraft every 30 minutes or part thereof is charged as the PPR fee. If you require an opening before the regular daily operating hours, the fee is calculated from the time of aerodrome opening until the start of regular operations. If you require an opening after the regular daily operating hours, the fee is calculated from the time of regular aerodrome closure until 15 minutes after takeoff or, in the case of landing, until the aircraft is parked or until the airport company ceases to provide handling-related services.

For a detailed explanation and a list of prices, please refer to our currently valid fee schedule available for download.

A PPR notification must be submitted in writing to the MGL Aiport Operation Service (OPS) for all flights, and it only becomes effective and binding after receiving written confirmation from the VKL.

Please observe the following deadlines for submitting a flight request outside our regular operating hours, and kindly understand that late requests cannot be accommodated:

Takeoff/Landing time 6:00 to 8:00 AM: One day prior by no later than 12:00 PM local time
Takeoff/Landing time 8:30 to 10:00 PM: Same day by no later than 8:00 PM local time

Submit your PPR with the following information to the VKL:

  • When should the PPR take place?
  • Aircraft registratio
  • Origin and destination of the aircraft
  • If not already known: Noise certificate, aircraft data (MTOW and type), billing address
  • Contact details: phone number and email address
  • Are there any special considerations to be aware of, such as cargo?
  • If applicable, number of passengers
  • If applicable, desired parking position after landing or parking location of the aircraft before takeoff


Airport Operation Service (OPS)
+49 2161 6898-10

Cancellation of a departure or arrival must be made in a timely manner, otherwise special charges will apply:
Cancellation of morning departure/arrival: by no later than 12:00 PM local time on the previous day
Cancellation of evening departure/arrival: by no later than 8:00 PM local time on the same day

If the cancellation is not received in due time and no flight movement occurs during the period you have requested, at least the PPR fee corresponding to the requested and confirmed PPR opening time will be charged. However, in any case, a processing fee of €35.00 will be charged for a PPR notification without an associated flight movement. This fee is also applicable for any changes to an already submitted PPR request.


Airport Operation Service (OPS)
+49 2161 6898-10

On special closure days (for example, due to events or on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, and New Year’s Day), a request for aerodrome opening must be submitted to the PPR reporting office for each flight movement throughout the day. A fee must also be paid to the airport company for this service. The fee amounts to €950.00 net per every 30 minutes or part thereof. For advance de-icing of the runway, a fee based on the actual costs, but at least €1,500.00, will be charged.

For flights from December 24th to December 26th, the PPR application must be received by the PPR reporting office no later than 12:00 PM local time on December 23rd. For flights on December 31st and January 1st, the application must be submitted by 12:00 PM local time on December 30th.

PPR cancellation is possible until 12:00 PM local time on December 23rd and December 30th, respectively. Please note the applicable processing fee and any additional fees, as described in the PPR cancellation policy.

Jet A1 refueling at Mönchengladbach Airport (MGL) is provided by Rheinland Air Service GmbH (RAS) and is available daily from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Outside of regular refueling hours, a specific request must be sent to RAS. Refueling with AVGAS is guaranteed during airport operating hours.


RAS Rheinland Air Service GmbH
+49 2161 9948-160